Robin Leach & John McCain - Die Hard

[UPDATE] JOHN MCCAIN DIED 55 MINUTES AFTER I POSTED THIS (Published on 8/25 at 15:33 MST and it's reported he passed away on 8/25 at 16:28 MST... Wow) 

Robin Leach, best known as host on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, passed away on August 24th, the same day it was announced that John McCain was discontinuing his cancer treatment. Leach & McCain just so happen to share a birthday, August 29th, and were born exactly 5 years apart - as their joint-news comes 5 days before their birthday. 

This duration reminds us that Kurt Cobain was born exactly 5 years after John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth and Chris Cornell was born exactly 5 years before the Moon Landing. Cobain died in Seattle and Cornell was born in Seattle, home of the Space Needle. 

5 years is equivalent to 260 months 6 days. John Sidney McCain =266. Robin Douglas Leach =266. Leach's co-host for the last two seasons was Shari Lynn Belafonte =266. McCain turned 26,600 days old the day after the death of Michael Jackson, who shares a birthday with McCain & Leach (déjà-vu of Elvis, Aretha & Madonna). 
  • John Sidney McCain =2660 was captured by the North-Vietnamese and made a prisoner-of-war (or so we're told) and released after five years on 3/14/73, or a span of 266 months before the release of Die Hard with a Vengeance, with its similarly named protagonist John McClane. I'd reported on the myriad synchronicities between Die Hard & McCain back on the blog - but that's all gone for good now, so we're doing it again even better than before. 
McCain also became Senator exactly 26 years 6 weeks before the last Die Hard movie opened, A Good Day to Die Hard - its release 2,066 days before Oct 12. 

Looking at other future dates, Sept 14 will be 20,660 days after Glenn orbited the Earth and Oct 7 will be 12,606 days after the premiere of Leach's Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Further, Game 6 of the World Series will be 20,066 days after the assassination of John F Kennedy. 

On the subject of John McCain's 64 months as a POW, it's been well-documented how all the images of him from his time in captivity and immediately afterwards show him looking healthy and robust, a polar opposite to all the other captives so emaciated and psychologically destroyed. As it turns out, McCain's daddy was not just an admiral but the Commander of all US Forces in the Vietnam theatre, so it's no stretch of the imagination at all to think that he got special treatment - lifestyles of the rich & the famous, indeed.

Also on the Die Hard subject, it's one of the classic examples of 9/11 Predictive Programming. Not only does the movie poster show the skyscraper appearing as the exploding Twin Towers with an aircraft inbound (and the all-seeing eye) but it's about terrorists in a building on Christmas - Jesus Christ actually born on 9/11, it's said. Then the sequel was about terrorists hijacking airplanes and the third film was set in New York City with more terrorism there, perfectly leap-frogging a thematic preview of the 9/11 Attacks. 

If you want way more information on 9/11 Predictive Programming, email me at for a copy of my e-book, Fiction Foreshadows Future. 

And if you want more mind-blowing patterns between Robin Leach & John McCain (including a massive 24-synch sequence on the 666-variation - with 9 synchs directly linked to McCain's staged imprisonment) then become an Extra-Capsa Insider. Our third issue is out this Monday.


  1. Pope Francis the 266th pope. You mention space. Check out the cipher where ordinal is reversed letter by letter. W is 32 instead of 23 for example. J and T are 1 and 2. In this cipher "John F Kennedy" = 266, "meteors" = 266, "stars" = 266, "universe" = 266

    stars.... 91+2+1+81+91 = 266

    "space" = 266 rev satanic

  2. JOHN F KENNEDY = 1+51+8+41+6+11+5+41+41+5+4+52 = 266

  3. This post became a whole lot more legit as of yesterday. McCain ended up dying on the "Twenty-fifth of August" = 266 (English Ordinal)


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